

Limes are one of the smallest members of the citrus family. Our Persian limes are available all year round. Lime trees bloom year-round. Their peak bloom varies by region. Limes are a great source of vitamin C and possess a tangy flavor.

Historically limes were used by sailors against scurvy. Limes are a popular citrus staple in a variety of cultural cuisines such as Mexican, Southwestern, Thai, Vietnamese and Middle Eastern. Limes are also an important part of the beverage business and have become a mixologist’s staple ingredient. There are a few different varieties of limes such as Persian (also known as Tahiti or Bearss), Kaffir, and the smaller seeded variety known as the Mexican, West Indian and Key limes.

  • Key Attributes of Limes

    • Persian limes are available all year
    • Oval shaped with a bright green skin
    • Subtle in smell and flavor
    • Typically seedless


  • Need help around the house? Lime juice can be helpful in removing stubborn stains from items such as brass doorknobs and tile floors. Plus, grind a lime in the garbage disposal to eliminate odors.

  • Avoid using an aluminum pan when cooking with limes. The acid reacts with the aluminum which can cause a lime to turn gray and taste bad.

  • Instead of salt, use a bit of lime juice as a substitute for seasonings or dressings.

  • Make your kitchen table pop with color. Put a bowl of limes in the center of the table, and enjoy the color and the refreshing aroma.

How to Enjoy

  • For a burst of fresh flavor, add a lime wedge to enhance your beverages: water, cocktails, margaritas, beers and carbonated beverages.

  • Substitute lime juice for vinegar in dressings and sauces.

  • Add lime slices to fruit salads for an enhanced taste.

  • To make quick guacamole, cut up an avocado, squeeze on lime juice and sprinkle salt and pepper.

What We Do

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